Right after publishing my debut novel, Olive Branches Don’t Grow On Trees, I began a blog with recipes from this book. I would now like to re-introduce these wonderful recipes in my new blog, with pastina being the first recipe. Pastina is a type of pasta consisting of tiny pieces of pasta and available in a variety of shapes, such as tiny stars (stellette).  In the end of the first chapter, The Sound of Noise, Silvia’s appetite returns after being gone for so long, and she craves pastina. This particular food brings great comfort to her as she associates it with her childhood and with her beloved Grandma Tucci. There are many wonderful dishes that can be prepared with this delightful pasta. Following is my favorite way to make pastina. Enjoy!


3/4 lb pastina
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
salt, pepper, dried oregano to taste
1 egg
1 tbs. butter
1 tbs. milk

1. Add pastina to boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, until finished. Drain.
2. Add milk to egg and mix with fork.
2. Combine olive oil and butter and heat on low heat until butter is melted.
4. Add drained pastina and stir, coating it with butter and oil.
5. Slowly stir in egg and milk mixture.
6. Stir in cheese, letting it melt.
7. Add salt, pepper and oregano to taste.